Author Archives: Learn Anchor

Sunglasses by Sai Kiran Anagani on Unsplash

The Reformation of Performance Management

Employees’ on-the-job performance has an outsize impact on the company’s performance. Because of this, companies are always looking for better ways to motivate and develop their people to perform at their best. Some 30% of HR professionals say that performance …

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5 ways SMEs can launch their digital transformation journey

Printing is not a business we typically associate with digital transformation. After all, the word “print” is often used as an antonym for “digital”. Yet my recent experience with printers demonstrates the benefits that digital transformation brings to customers and …

Overcome the 4 barriers to digital transformation

Digital tranformationIn a survey by ASME and Microsoft last year, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) projected that digital transformation will deliver a 26% increase in revenue and 22% reduction in cost, on average. These numbers are rosy, but they apply …

Why training evaluation matters

Training Evaluation

Training evaluation is one of those tasks that everyone agrees should be done, but is often left undone. It is sometimes treated as an afterthought to training, when in fact it is an integral part of the whole training process.…

5 pain points L&D professionals face

Learn Anchor Training Management SystemLearning and development (L&D) professionals play a critical role in every company. They conduct learning needs analysis and draw up training plans to equip employees with the skills for peak performance. They advise management on how to narrow the gap …